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azioni passate Desiderio all'ingrosso:

Business.wish.com is an e-commerce platform with 157.50Million monthly visits, a big competitor of eBay and Amazon. It features crazy cheap prices on fashion items and gadgets which attract thousands of budget-focused customers. Whether you’re buying in bulk or just one unit? Source from Wish Wholesale’s one-stop-shop! We offer best-selling Wish products with proven demand in every category!

Vantaggi per gli editori:

Competitive commission: 19.90% CPA on average a publisher makes up to 10 000 sales a month with Wish

Benefits for customers:

A wide selection of products that you can buy in bulk thanks to Wish Wholesale Savings. You can make a bargain no matter what it is – capi di abbigliamento, elettronica, gioielli, or something else. Save time. The site includes almost all product categories, so you will not have to go around dozens of shops, spending a few hours or even days searching for the right product