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Keçmiş hərəkətlər Wish Wholesale:

Business.wish.com is an e-commerce platform with 157.50Million monthly visits, a big competitor of eBay and Amazon. It features crazy cheap prices on fashion items and gadgets which attract thousands of budget-focused customers. Whether you’re buying in bulk or just one unit? Source from Wish Wholesale’s one-stop-shop! We offer best-selling Wish products with proven demand in every category!

Benefits for publishers:

Competitive commission: 19.90% CPA on average a publisher makes up to 10 000 sales a month with Wish

Benefits for customers:

A wide selection of products that you can buy in bulk thanks to Wish Wholesale Savings. You can make a bargain no matter what it isclothing, electronics, zərgərlik, or something else. Save time. The site includes almost all product categories, so you will not have to go around dozens of shops, spending a few hours or even days searching for the right product